
  • Health & Safety

    It is REF Engineering and Construction Limited policy to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment at all times. The goal of the company’s management is to prevent occupational issues and this will be achieved by management, who shall place incident prevention and the protection of the health and safety of every employee above any other consideration of job operation or administration.

    The ultimate level of our goal of the company at every organization shall be to ensure at all times throughout every phase of job operation, the safety and health of our employees, the Owners’/ Clients’ employees of every sub-contractor. The company recognizes that the safety responsibility for employee and health requires constant and continuing efforts of a partnership of company management, its employees, sub-contractors and their employees, the client/ owner and their employees.

    REF Engineering and Construction Limited accepts its responsibility to lead in the promotion and practice of its health and safety program. REF Engineering and Construction Limited shall comply strictly with all legal and regulatory requirements generally implemented in each country and accepted work practices and procedures for the protection of the safety and health of its employees and others, who may be affected by the groups activities, and shall strictly adhere to all site Health and safety standards and job work rules and practices. Employees at all levels shall work conscientiously and diligently to execute the Health and Safety policy of maintaining the highest standards of occupational health and safety to prevent human suffering and losses, which result from unsafe practices.

    The company shall promote and enforce the development, dissemination, implementation, effectiveness and continual improvement of Health and Safety program. This policy shall be made available to other interested parties.

    REF Engineering and Construction Limited shall pursue rigorous and frequent audits, to ensure that each partner in the shared responsibilities attains the group’s goa l to prevent human suffering, and to limit losses attains by exemplary leadership in the prevention of accidents injuries and illness. This policy shall be periodically reviewed for adequateness and suitability. REF Engineering and Construction limited’s Health and safety policy employee and official of the company is unreservedly committed to achieving our ultimate Health and Safety target, which is ZERO ACCIDENTS AND ZERO INCIDENTS.

  • Intent on fitness for work and drug policy

    REF Engineering fully supports the need to maintain a drug free work-place, to identify employees who are u sing illegal drugs and to assist them obtain treatment and to take individual responsibility for their fitness for work. The company agrees to provide pre-employment test such as drug and alcohol test (which includes physical check, vision, hearing, and lung function test).

    The company will offer drug awareness training to an official of the company. If the test on our individual produces positive result after analysis, such ones will either face the company’s disciplinary or will not be engaged at all towards those ends. REF Engineering have developed a joint substance Abuse Recovery company makes sure that individuals take all practice and reasonable steps to ensure that none of the factors impairs their ability to safely carry out their work duties.

    It is also agreed that should legislation, regulation, or court decision required that the company’s programs be changed, management will meet to review the program and make necessary or appropriate changes. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit the company’s right to impose discipline for cause in substance abuse cases.

    REF Construction and Engineering Management is firmly committed to a policy enabling all work activities to be carried out safely and with all possible measures taken to remove (or at least reduce) risks to the health, safety and welfare of workers, contractors, authorized visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations. We are committed to ensuring we comply with all relevant legal requirements as far as possible.


    Will provide and maintain as far as possible:

    • A safe working environment and safe systems of work
    • Plant and substances in safe condition
    • Facilities for the welfare of workers
    • Information, instruction, training and supervision that is reasonably necessary to ensure that each worker is safe from injury and risks to health.
    • A commitment to consult and co-operate with workers in all matters relating to health and safety in the workplace
    • A commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety management.

    To achieve this, each worker has an obligation to:

    • Comply with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and others and damage to plant and equipment.
    • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others.
    • Wear personal protective equipment and clothing where necessary
    • Comply with any direction given by management for health and safety.
    • Not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety.
    • Report all accidents and incidents on the job immediately, no matter how trivial
    • Report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager.

    We seek the co-operation of all workers, customers and other persons. We encourage suggestions for realizing our health and safety objectives to create a safe working environment with a zero accident rate. This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers are required to work off-site.

  • Environmental Policy

    REF Construction Limited recognizes the need to operate the business in a manner which reflects good environmental management. The company is aware of the environmental impacts of its operations and will balance its business with the need t protect the local and global environment. The company have demonstrated a commitment to identify all activities that have the potential to cause an environmental impact, as well as providing adequate resources to help minimize or prevent any negative impact.

    In order to achieve this commitment, we will

    • Identify all environmental impacts that the company contributes to and establish environmental management procedures that can be incorporated into all business decisions, in a cost effective manner.
    • Regularly measure and evaluate our environmental performance, and improve where necessary.
    • Promote a culture of continual environmental improvement within the company
    • Delegate the responsibility for environmental matters to the appropriate levels in the company.
    • Consistently increase the awareness and provide necessary training to all our employees and customers to ensure environmentally responsible concepts are integrated into their normal working practices.
    • Demonstrate control of all our operations and ensure that all are performed with due consideration of the environment.
    • Identify and mitigate against potential accidents that could result in an environmental impact, so that if an accident did occur the consequences would be minimized.
    • Use products that have a negligible environmental impact, where appropriate options exist.
    • Minimize the storage and use of all articles and substances providing a substantial environmental hazard, where appropriate.
    • Reduce the consumption of resources (energy, materials, packaging), where feasible.
    • Minimize waste through a commitment to reuse, recover or recycle, where feasible.

    It is our duty to ensure that good environmental management is practiced in all contracts and projects that we are involved in, and we will seek to influence customers to demonstrate a positive environmental commitment.

    The company will communicate the Environmental Policy to all REF Construction Limited employees, and it will be freely available to customers, shareholders and the general public.

  • Equal Opportunity Policy

    The management of REF Engineering is pledge to the policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination in employment in terms of employment and in the application of the provisions of this policy which shall apply irrespective of race, colour, national origin, sex, age or disability's defined under application national statute. Additionally, the company and the executives are pledge to a policy of non-discrimination under applicable state laws.

    • The company is committed to provide it employees with a working environment free of all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment.
    • Our Management joins in full support of the position that sexual harassment, as defined by the equal Employment Opportunity in its 2008 guidelines, offers a serious obstacle to the achievement of full employment opportunity for workers of both sexes, and will not be tolerated in facilities coved by this policy. Management further agrees that sexual harassment is perceived as a form of sex discrimination under this article, as well as under other applicable articles of the policy.
    • The company further agrees to continue its policy of taking affirmative action to facilitate the employment of the disabled.
    • Where the masculine term is used in this policy, it shall apply with equal force to the feminine gender.

    In order to provide a fair, consistent and objective means for an employee to demonstrate whether or they have the knowledge and skill required for entry into a particular job classification, our management recognizes the company’s right to administer skill demonstration exercise to candidates for certain job vacancies such skill demonstration exercise for particular classification may consist of written examination practical exercises, or a combination of both.

  • Company Policy
    1. Actively and promote company values.
    2. Promote equal opportunity at the work place.
    3. Recognize that discrimination and harassment is not acceptable
    4. Abide by the legislation and regulation of Ghana.
    5. Respect company property as if it were your own.
    6. Abide by all company policies.
    7. Never present yourself at work under influence of drug or alcohol.
    8. Ensure personal business does not conflict with companies
    9. Never offer money, gifts or items of value in return for ensuring a desired outcome.
    10. Whilst giving or receiving is part of business culture, never offer or receive a gift in cash or kind without prior permission from Managing Director.
    11. Be fair in your dealings with all stake holders.
    12. Protect and keep confidential all company documents, records and information.
    13. Only employees specifically with authorization from the Managing Director may make comments to the media relating to company affairs.